woensdag 2 november 2011

The tire lion

Here it is, the tire lion! This fine piece of art is made completely out of old car tires. Normally I don't really like art, but i totally love this one. It looks very naturally and aggressive. So probz to the creators of this lion.

I got a mac..

A lot of people HATE apple, so this one is for the mac haters. I got a mac too, but it is not for gaming. I only use my mac for school. If I want to play a game I use my windows PC or my Xbox360.


I like this picture because it is very funny if you have some expertise of computers. It is also funny because last weekend was halloween, so many people were wearing a costume.

woensdag 26 oktober 2011

World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria

Blizzard announced the new expansion for World of Warcraft. The name is Mists of Pandaria. It will add a new playable race to the game, the pandaren. And also a new class: Monk. I'm really excited about this game because they are bringing a lot of changes together with the expansion. The talent system will be changed, there will be a pet battle system and a new quest zone where we can level up to level 90! You can find more information at the World of Warcraft website: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/game/mists-of-pandaria

donderdag 6 oktober 2011

Steve Jobs

Pictures say more then a thousand words..

woensdag 5 oktober 2011

De Leeuwenkoning

This is a wallpaper of The Lion King. It is like my favorite film ever and I still like to watch it. The music made for this film is also played at the funeral of my mother, so that's another reason why I love this film.

My dog: Elmar

woensdag 28 september 2011

Morning Sun

This is a picture I made on a Tuesday morning while I was waiting for the bridge to close. It's a not that awesome quality because I took it with my phone.

Where them girls at?!

David Guetta Ft. Flo Rida & Nicki Minaj - Where Them Girls At (DesMontaiz & Sleazy ft Mad'm Bootleg) by DJ-Sleazy

This is a bootleg I made with two friends of mine. It has already more than 1000 views and almost 100 downloads. We also got support from several DJ's from America. I hope to produce more tracks, but I don't have much time.

woensdag 14 september 2011


I saw this strange green bicycle on the pavement in front of my school. I thought it was worth taking a picture of the bike. When I walked a little further I saw more and more of these bicycles, I wonder why they are placed in this street..

donderdag 8 september 2011

No bikes!

It always funny to ignore a traffic sign :)

dinsdag 6 september 2011


I saw my turtle standing on my desk and decided to make a picture with the "Droste effect". I think it worked out pretty good for the first time.

maandag 5 september 2011



This is my rosary necklace. Apotheose is the greek word for becoming a God. I think that every person is a God in his or her way and that we need to interpretate the bible in a different way. If you don't fully understand this you need to read the lost symbol by Dan Brown.


This is a image that explains the degrees in freemasonry. I think it is important in life because in life you also have different degrees. Freemasons also play an important role in every society in the world so this image is quite important for me as person.

How we are pwned

Since right after we are born, we are taught to always obey orders and to work hard for our living. We are forced to go into schools and listen to years of brainwashing from teachers who are paid by the governments. After that we go to college where they brainwash us some more to become a part of the money system. We then graduate (become gradually indoctrinated) and become the pwned sheep that we are. Of course, these institutions are all made of industrial-strength fail, since this article wouldn’t be here for you to read (and wouldn’t make sense to you anyway) if any of that crap actually worked.

They keep us under their control with fear: Fear of hell, fear of hunger, fear of nature, fear of guns, fear of police, and fear of what other people will think of us.

We are constantly bombarded by subliminal messages from everywhere, urging us to consume more, eat more, drink more and fuck more. (Last one isn’t that bad)

The Cell phones has been invented so that the government will know exactly where we are, all the time. The cities are flooded with surveillance equipment, and they spray chemicals with specially engineered diseases to keep our number down.

There are Over 9000 ways out, but these two are the most obvious :

  • Drop out of the system completely, and go live somewhere in the middle of nowhere.
  • Become an Hero.